With the increase in Industrialization, the requirement for more power in factories & industries is also increasing. The extra power & frequencies sometimes become problematic in an electrical environment.
Harmonics are the frequencies in an electrical circuit that can create some serious end results & are considered as very harmful within an electrical system. These harmonics are the causes for power quality obstacles.
The harmonics are unwanted loads creating uninterruptible power supplies. This can cause reliability issue which can cause increased currents, voltage & electrical networks also. These issues can be avoided when harmonic mitigation is implemented. A Power factor controller is also helpful to improve power quality perfectly, without creating any complications of fluctuations in power supply.
Linear & non-linear loads create disturbances in the power system results in harmonics. In industries & big factories, these harmonics lead to hindrance in factory work & other required necessities. Not only power interruptions, Harmonics also create heat losses, which can damage equipment and reduce the potentiality of the equipment required in factories. The consequences will then lead to stress on the cables and equipment. In industries these kinds of harmonics is not affordable, the reason being, production or manufacturing will be stopped, which may result in cut down of costing & therefore, profit margins.
Power interruptions leads to unfavorable troubles, thus, Harmonic filters optimize the current making the equipment run smoothly. Harmonic Mitigation diminishes the extra energy of the electrical circuit, & hence, detects a disturbance in the current.
This technological low-cost option eliminates the risk of power & current loads. While using harmonic mitigation some factors such as reliability, simplicity, effectiveness, energy & cost efficiency is taken into consideration.
Level of harmonics, by implementing some methods mitigation techniques can be reduced. Low harmonic drives as well as reactors are excellent solutions to overcome distortions. The solutions to harmonic deprivation may lead to big losses for a lot of industries.
Thus by limiting harmonic emissions & by reducing the overloading of cables or transformers can prevent these losses. Also, a variety of strategies can comply with the harmonic disturbances for preventing future plans.